Dear All, As noticed in the previous meeting, we are going to have our group meeting at Prof. Jong Cook Park's house at 7:00 pm this Friday. We will have dinner together first. Thank you Prof. Park for serving us for dinner. Our new family (...
Dear Brothers and Sisters, This week, we are going to have our meeting at Prof. Park Jong Tae's house at 8:00 pm, as mentioned in the last meeting. Please be prepared for a bible study. I also emailed all of you to encourage you to read the ...
Dear Brothers and Sisters, I am sorry that I can not write in Korean in my office any more. I have a problem in uploading a notice for our meeting in English. Place: Noh Huynseong's house Time: 8:00 pm on Friday (9/14) Please see the file at...
언제: 이번 토요일 (9/1) 몇시: 아침 11 시 어디서: UC Rec. Center 참가비: UC 학생이 아니면 $10을 내야됨 왜: 박우진 성도 송별기념 운동 참가 자격: 이삭부와 다니엘 식구님들 모두 수영도할수있으니 수영복도 가지고 오세요. 운동후 늦은점심도 같이 나누...