어제 저녁 11시 ?분 (요즘은 들어도 금방 잊어 버리는것이 문제)에 Paul 가정에 새생명이 탄생되었다고 합니다.
만약 어제를 넘겼으면 수술을 했어야 하는데 하나님의 돌보심으로 자연분만을 했다고 하는군요.
산모와 아이모두 건강하다고 합니다.
시간을 내어서 축하의 전화라도 하면 좋겠습니다.
Paul and Hee Sun ja mae nim,
Many many congratulations!
What a wonderful blessing it is to have such a precious gift from God! Even though my first boy was born nearly 15 years ago, the joy of very first moment I saw him is still lively and vivid. May God continually bless the baby and the mother...oh well, specially the father, too. - John Kim -
wonsuk2007.09.06 19:42
Paul, you always believed in our faithful father, and yet again, He did not disappoint us. Oh, how joyous you and your family must be seeing and holding him for the first time, when I have to settle for knowing that your son is finally in your hands, and yet I got a huge smile on my face. Congratulations and thank you Lord!
모두가 영어로 쓰는 분위기인데, Paul 때문이겠지요.
폴/희선 부부, 귀한 첫 아들을 건강하게 낳게됨을 축하합니다. 늘 주님의 동행하심이 아기의 평생에 함께 하시길 기도하합니다. 속히 회복 되시기를 또 바랍니다.
Paul/Heesun, Congratulations on the arrival of your new baby son, and we wish God richly bless your son throughout his life with walking together.
Chong/Kyung Ahn
Congratulations, Paul and Huison!!
This is not the first time for you so you should know what is waiting for you. ^^
However you also know how happy time it is going to be.
God bless you and your family.
Zewgeadyagell2012.04.13 11:09
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May God has a great plan for the baby and leads him throughout his life.