
요셉부 금요모임 *Joseph Group Announcement 12/13*

by 이윤재 on Dec 13, 2013


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Hello everyone :)

I hope everyone did well on the exams! Now enjoy your well-deserved break :) And remember to relishing the Love of God! "The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing" -Zephaniah 3:17
This assures me of the deep passionate love of God yet again :) How about for you guys?

Last week, we had to cancel our Friday bible study due to severe weather condition- I missed you guys!

As for this week, as Kevin announced the other day, we will be gathering at Kevin's house. Thank you so much for inviting us.

We will have a time of worship and enjoy delicious food made by deacon Lee!

12/13 JG Friday Service Info:

장소 Place: Kevin's House: 10505 Montgomery Rd. #67 Cincinnati OH 45242 ***Please refer to Kevin's email for the parking instructions!
시간 Time: 5:30pm

Announcements/Upcoming Events 

*** Church van ride is available for both EM and KM. If you need a ride on Sunday, please let me know!

12/22 Sunday: Christmas Celebration: Details will be discussed today.
12/25 11am :Christmas service!

Prayer Request 기도제목:

1. Pray for travel safety as many of us are traveling for the vacation. 2. Pray for Church, Joseph Group, for one another, and ourselves.

Sharing Verse 성경구절

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. -Hebrews 10:24


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