
*Joseph Group Announcement 9/26*

by 이윤재 on Sep 26, 2014


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Hello Joseph Group :) 

Below is the link to a short yet very powerful video- I want all of you guys to see it so please take couple minutes of your time!!! Do it!


“...all our righteous acts are like filthy rags... " (Isaiah 64:6)

No matter how much we do good things, we can't be in heaven with God because we're sinners. It's like wiping the table with a dirty cloth- even though we're wiping it, it' doesn't clean it. Jesus makes us clean by dying on the cross so that we can be with God forever. Do you feel His love for us? 

As for this week's meeting, we will meeting at church. We will continue to learn using the book, "experiencing God" Chapter 5 Section 2,4 and 5 combined. 
Deacon Lim will share the message! :)

The ride will be arranged and announced! Please let me know beforehand if you need a ride! 

See you all soon!

9/26 Friday Service Info: 

장소Place: 교회 Church
시간Time: 7pm (Dinner Provided)
설거지 Clean-up: Joseph Group 요셉부
기도 Prayer: Boram Kim 김보람
말씀 Words: Deacon Lim
친교 Fellowship: Joseph Group 요셉부

Announcements/Upcoming Events

Thanks for those of you who went to the praise team seminar :) Makeup sessions will be arranged with Elder Yi.

9/28 Sunday:
 Church Cleaning Day. 
Everyone is to stay after and help with cleaning! it's for the whole church and each groups will be assigned to a certain rooms. 

10/1 WednesdayWonbin's Recital @ CCM Werner Hall 830pm Wonbin has been practicing hard for his recital. Lets go and support him! 

Prayer Request 기도제목( Please share if you have any prayer requests.)

Bank your life on the promises of God, Refuse to be self-reliant, At every turn, turn to God.

1. Pray for the persecuted Christians; around the world, many believers are persecuted, imprisoned, even killed for their faith. I encourage you guys to pray for our brothers and sisters. Pray that He will give them hope. Also Pray that the love of Christ will replace the hatred of this world.

2. Pray for our church & Joseph GroupWe have so many new comers. Praise the Lord! Please pray for our new members AND our existing members. Pray that He will help us to overcome our pride and truly love one another. that we can build a stronger community in Christ. 

3. Pray for family, friends, and you; Pray that God will help us to act and live out the life of Jesus in this sinful world. To help make changes in the lives of people around you. 

Sharing Verse 성경구절:

"The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."(Deuteronomy 31:8) 

Sunday Van Ride Info: Call 
 to request van pick-up.
M2 (9:30am service): Available every other Sunday.
KM (11:
15am service) Available by request.


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