
이번주(10/5) 이삭부 2조 (Caleb) 금요모임

by 구본기 on Oct 03, 2007


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Dear All,

As noticed in the previous meeting, we are going to have our group meeting at Prof. Jong Cook Park's house at 7:00 pm this Friday.
We will have dinner together first. Thank you Prof. Park for serving us for dinner.
Our new family (Seol's family) will join our group. Please welcome them to our group.

Our group is named as Caleb. Please remember it.

We will not study the bible textbook (John 2) this week. Instead, we will talk together about our life through the week and pray for all.

Kwonsanym - Have a great trip with Deacon Ahn.
Ms Yunjung - Safe trip to Korea and see you soon. Please let us know before you leave if you have something to be prayed by us.

For direction to Prof. Park's house, I just emailed you.

Hope to see all of you this Friday.

Bon Ki


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