
2014.03.29 18:05

The review of Movie "Noah" in English

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Review of Movie “Noah”

I have heard and read the review of “Noah” even before I watch. Also, same time, after the movie, I felt that this is the worst “Christian-like” movie I have ever watched. 

The movie begins with “In the beginning, there was nothing”..Furthermore, it shows the summary of the story on Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel. According to the movie, after Cain killed Abel, “he was sheltered by fallen angel” and the fallen angels were called “watchers”. Their appearance was changed “angel” to “stone – monster” after their judgement by God.

If this movie is biblical, they were supposed to use Gen 1:1. Also the movie is 2hr 17min long, however, I have only heard 1-2 times they are saying “God”. Most of time, they called “Creator” instead of “God”. In the middle of movie, there is scene shows the story of creation. The narrator leads the scene, however, what was on the screen was totally evolution. Space appeared, the planet showed (covered volcanoes), there were separation, and the living creature were evaluated from the cell to the monkey. and then, human being. The human part was so short and they forgot to put the most important thing on creation, which is 7th day, God’s rest.

The actual movie begins with the boy Noah and his father, Lamech. Lamech takes something out from the wooden box, which is snake-skin (this skin is from the snake that tempted Eve and Adam took and handed down to the generation). He rolled up the skin on his arm and tried to bless the Noah. Then the descendant of Cain came, there was a king among the descendant of Cain, and killed Lamech and took the snake skin.

Where you can find the biblical context???? Adam takes the snake skin and handed down?? what a anti-christianity!! Snake shows the power of evil and Satan. however, Noah had favor and he was righteous in the eye of the Lord. There is no way this can be happened. The birthright blessing is from the father to the first born son in the name of God the Father, not by the power of the satan. I don’t know what the director is trying to say here.

Also, Lamech is killed by the Cain people?

Gen 5:30.”After Noah was born, Lamech lived 595 years and had other sons and daughters”

Next scene begins with Noah being adult with his wife, his son Shem, and second son baby Ham. Noah and his family is running away from the people who are in the darkness. on the way of running, they find a little girl who has wound (caused to be barren). Later, she receive mercy from Noah’s grandfather,Methuselah. then she became the wife of Shem. 

After Noah took the girl, he sees the dream of dead people in the water. In order to get help, he finds the Methuselah with help by the watchers, fallen angel. While he encounter Methuselah, Noah sees another vision, which is ark. Methuselah gives a seed that is from Garden of Eden. Noah planted the seed and it grows and made plains to the forest. the Watchers saw the miracle and decided to help on Noah building the ark. 

the watchers had asked God to have mercy on them, however, God was silent. the watchers wanted to serve the creator by helping the Noah.

In the Bible Gen 6:13-14 So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth. So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out.

God clearly mentioned that He said to Noah, not showing real dramatic vision and if we see later verses, God not only tells Noah about the ark, but also He gave him a specific instructions.

In the movie, the role of Methuselah was unclear and uncomfortable. Because when Noah, his wife, and Shem’s wife to be had a problem, they went to him and tried to ask for help. 

As Noah kept building the ark, Noah talks about the task that the creator gave to him. Noah believed that the creator tried to wipe all the his creation and build another perfect creation. In order to do that Noah indicated that all people needed to die including NOAH and HIS FAMILY.

Gen 6:9 This is the account of Noah and his family. Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God. 

God did not ask Noah to take the task and kill themselves as well. God chose Noah to carry his covenant for His people. 

In the middle of building the ark, Ham wanted to have a girl for himself, however, since Noah believed all people need to die, he deny Ham to have a wife. 

Gen 7:7 “7 And Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives entered the ark to escape the waters of the flood.”

They already had wife! 

Japheth was still a boy in the movie, but the bible said that he also had a wife which mean he was a grown man, too. 

As he builds the ark, the animal comes to the ark and fill in the ark. first, birds, secondly snakes, and thirdly other animals. I don’t know why the snakes takes a whole part of it. it could be a whole animals comes together. The movie itself emphasize the snake, which shows the evilness and Satan in Christianity. That’s why we call this movie “Anti-Christianity”. 

After the animal fills the ark, the wife of Noah use some aromatic plants to put all the animal in sleep. WOW what a surprising!!! In my opinion here, God is the one who brought the all the animals and he was  the one who took care of all the animals while they were in the ark. We have see the power and authority of God among all the nature!!!!  It is not humanic power who controlled among all the animals!!

And the rain began. Same time other people who wanted to survive came to Noah and tried to take the ark. The watchers who have helped the Noah protected Noah and the ark. the watchers get killed. BUT what the really instructing is that when they die, they return back to the heaven as angel. Hah!  

Noah tell Shem to protect the family and closed the door of ark. He fought outside while it was raining. however, a leader (king) of the people comes into the ark by making the hole. Ham saw it and hide him. After the water fills the ground, Noah opened the door and came in. 

There are reason why I am taking this part really seriously. Because in Gen 7:16 “the Lord shut him in” IT is the Lord who closed the door and seal it! which means, all these things are done by the power of God. there is nothing the human being could do. After the door was closed, I think, many people would have shot for the help. But God didn’t have a mercy on them. this is what is going to happen when Jesus Christ comes again. God had given them a chance, while the Noah was building the ark. They would have known why Noah is building. But they didn’t listen and asking for help when it closed? God has mercy, however, when the time has come, he will have no mercy on people in darkness. what they have left is the judgement. 

But in the movie, they totally ignored that!

In the ark, Shem’s wife finds out that she is pregnant. the way they found out was a psychic reading/fortunes by the Noah’s wife. THEY WERE GOD’s people and depend on that?????Shame on NOAH’s WIFE!!!!!!

As soon as Noah found out, he was trying to kill the baby when the baby was born because he believed that his task is to wipe all human being including his family. Therefore, Shem is building a small boat  while they were in the ark in order to escape. hahahaha funny story. But Noah burns the boat.  

After the children were born (they were twins), Noah was trying to kill the babies, but couldn’t. And claim himself that he failed the task Creator gave him. When they were settled on the ground (of course there was to altar and sacrifice for the Lord in the movie), Noah lived by himself and became drunk with the guilty of failure. and became naked (which is in end of Gene chapter 9, the movie didn’t follow the order). Eventually Noah returns to the family and the movie end with the Noah’s blessing toward the Shem’s children. When Noah blesses, his uses the snake skin rolled up his arm and touch the baby.  And Noah saying ““Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth.”

THIS IS THE COVENANT THAT GOD GAVE TO NOAH in Gen 9:1!!!! Not Noah to his decedents. 

There are more things that I could talk about. However, this movie is focused on the greatness of human being. Noah failed the Creator’s task but ended up with happy. There was no indication of God and his covenant. The Noah’s story is all about God’s authority among his creation, and His covenant/promise for his people.  

Of course, Noah was not the perfect man. However, what he did and had was fear of the Lord. He focused on God, He tried to live the way God has allowed. 

But the movie begins with Snake-skin and Ended with Snake-skin, which mean begane with Satan and ended up with Satan.

After I watched this movie the passage came to my mind..

Matt 24

4 Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.

9 “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. 10 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

The world need repentance!!! The world need to listen to the Good News and The world need to carry their cross and come the Jesus Christ!

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