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All Powermissioner should come back and transformed in the life of prayer and word, because it is promise of God 

Coming back to the Lord

“Coming back” does not mean only physical, but also spiritual. For those who left the church, come back to the church and find the way to restore the relationship with the Lord. For those who are here but your spirit is not here and not worshiping God, Come back and be ready to receive the gift and the blessing that God would provide as he promise.

*Do you know what is really sad? Many people leave churches all over our city feeling empty every week. They come hungry for the Word of God, but when they aren’t fed, they go empty, hungry, and frustrated. Eventually, unless all they want out of church is the security of tradition or if they just want an entertainment fix, they will drift away in an effort to find a place that’s offering some substance.”

Please come back to the Lord. the Lord has taken actions for His people, not just because he want them to be saved, but because he want them the receive the blessing as well.

There will be no transformation without “coming back”

Become the Transformer.

According to the dictionary, the "Transformation" means

“to change in form, appearance, or structure”

“to change in condition, nature, or character; convert.”

Many people misunderstand that they would be changed automatically when they received the Jesus Christ. Of course, the status of their spirit has changed, were belonged to hell, but now they belonged to heaven. however, as their spirit changed, their life should be changed as well. 

The resources that we have is the Word and Prayer. Many Christian read many christian books and said they are so inspired, touched, changed my life. But if they are not reading the Bible and don’t pray, their life can't be changed.

We need to be “changed”, not “go bad”. If we don't feed our spirit, it will get hungry and end up with leaving the church and go against God. Read the Word and meditate it with prayer!!

Fulfillment of God’s promise

Jesus Christ has made the promise and told us to wait for the gift!! wait for the Holy Spirit! and it came down and provided the power of the Holy Spirit. 

God had promised that we can be changed, He is everywhere and he is waiting for us to come back. He will never leaves us. Therefore, the transformation is the promise that God has given to us. However, it is our responsibility to take the promise or not.

Illustration:An atheist professor stood before his class and said, "If anyone can tell me where God is, I will give that person a hundred dollars." One student said, "Sir, I will give you a hundred dollars if you can tell me where God is not."

  1. This week's sermon: Prodigal Son's Brother

    Please read Luke 15 for this week.
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    1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. (NIV) 1:7 여호와를 경외하는 것이 지식의 근본이거늘 미련한 자는 지혜와 훈계를 멸시하느니라 (HNR) 1:7 여호와를 두려워하는 것이 지식의 첫걸음이건만...
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  5. 10 계명

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    현대인버젼과 NIV 입니다. <1> 9:1 예수님은 길을 가시다가 날 때부터 소경 된 사람을 보셨다. 9:2 제자들이 예수님께 '선생님, 누구의 죄로 이 사람이 소경으로 태어났습니까 ? 자기 죄입니까, 아니면 부모의 죄입니까 ?' 하고 묻자 9:3 예수님이 이렇게 말씀...
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