
  1. youth retreat

    Youth retreat is scheduled from 10/3(Friday)-10/5(Sunday). We will start our meeting in the evening on 10/3. The detail will be posted later.
    Date2008.06.13 Category알림 Bysook Views3245
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  2. 6-22-2008 말씀

    I almost forgot about the graduation service. I will deliver the message the following Lord's day. Luke 16 Use worldly wealth to gain friends Highly recommend reading the chapter before the service, especially the high school boys. Don't for...
    Date2008.06.11 Category알림 By유원석 Views2214
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  3. sunday service on 6/15

    on this coming sunday (6/15) we will have a joint service with adult group due to "graduation service" (졸업예배).
    Date2008.06.08 Category알림 Bysook Views2702
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  4. Memorial day church activity/ 신시내티 한인 체육대회

    On Memorial day, there will be a 체육대회 together with all korean churchs in Cincinnati. Let's meet at the following park at 9:30am. place: Harbin Park, 1300 Hunter Rd. Fairfield, OH 45014 time and date: May 26 (Mon) at 9:30am Love in Chris...
    Date2008.05.24 Category알림 BySook Views2461
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  5. 2008 여름성경학교 도우미들 구해요 ^ ^

    Youth 친구들께 도움 요청합니다. 6월 11일부터 13일까지 3일동안 교회에서 여름성경학교가 열리는데요 도우미를 해줄 친구들을 구합니다. 맛있는 점심과 간식 당근 제공되구요 ^ ^ 라이드 해결 해주구요 ^ ^ 3일간의 성경학교 일정이 모두 끝나면 맛있는 뒷...
    Date2008.05.18 Category알림 By정예준 Views2007
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  6. no SAT class on 5/17 because of youth activity

    Date2008.05.15 Category알림 By송성호 Views3668
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  7. picnic on May 17th

    Hi everyone, About picnic, we are meeting at the Sharon Woods Park by 11am. To make a reservation we have to pay $100 for the shelter so I decided not to do. Instead, I have to be there between 8-9am to save a spot for us. I can not tell you...
    Date2008.05.13 Category알림 BySook Views3123
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  8. no SAT class - 5/10

    No SAT class today because I have something to do this morning. Sorry for the late notice. See you next Saturday.
    Date2008.05.10 Category알림 By송성호 Views3191
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  9. SAT 준비반 수업안내 - 5/3

    이번주는 10시까지 모여서 시작 하겠습니다.
    Date2008.05.02 Category알림 By송성호 Views2527
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  10. sunday service tomorrow

    hello everyone, Do you enjoy this beautiful weather? I do. FYI, all youth and teachers will join the adult service due to 부흥회. I pray that everyone would be blessed by tomorrow's service. see you tomorrow, Love in Christ, sook
    Date2008.04.26 Category알림 Bysook Views2276
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  11. NO SAT class this week- 4/19

    Hi, all; There is no SAT class on this saturday(4/19) because there is a gathering for new church members at noon and I'll be out of town. Let's see the next Saturday.
    Date2008.04.18 Category알림 By송성호 Views3444
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  12. News of the 20th

    ♥ S U N D A Y ♥ Singing team, please meet us by 11 am! We're going to worship in the adult service (1:30 pm). Everyone, dress nicely as possible! o1. No sporty clothes/ too casual o2. Neat and tidy ♥ Saturday ♥ All singers/instrumental peopl...
    Date2008.04.13 Category알림 ByYoojin Views3584
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  13. 4/12 SAT 준비반 수업안내

    모두 10시까지 모여서 시작 하겠습니다. 금주는 practice test #1을 같이 풀어 보겠습니다. 각자 집에서 먼저 풀어보고 왔으면 좋겠습니다.
    Date2008.04.10 Category알림 By송성호 Views3111
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  14. SAT준비반 no class on 4/5

    Because of the community service the class will be canceled on April 5. See you the next week.
    Date2008.04.04 Category알림 By송성호 Views3397
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  15. time change for community service

    Hello everyone, The meeting time has been changed to 11:00 am so please come to the church by then. If you have clothes, books, toys that you don't use anymore please clean them and bring them to the church tomorrow. Are you ready to help ot...
    Date2008.04.04 Category알림 BySook Views3408
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  16. News of the Sixth

    F O R W A R D N E W S F O R Y O U S A T U R D A Y >>April's Fifth<< o1. Community service will be there, if you are wanting to come, please make sure you get here around 9 am! And in cause of that, SAT will be cancelled. S U N D A Y >>April'...
    Date2008.03.30 Category알림 Byyoojin Views3436
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  17. SAT 준비반 수업안내 - 3/22

    금주는 대일(Dale) 선생님께서 수고 해 주시겠습니다. 평소에 잘 하지 못했던 영어(Reading and Writing)를 지도 받을 수 있는 기회인 것 같네요. 10시까지 모여서 시작 하겠습니다.
    Date2008.03.21 Category알림 By송성호 Views2395
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  18. News of the 23rd

    Hi everyone, There will be Easter service on 3/23 at 10:30am at the church. This is a joint service with adult group. After service we will be meeting at the Youth room (basement) and taking group pictures and possibly ban pictures, etc.... ...
    Date2008.03.19 Category알림 Byyouth Views3518
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  19. 3/15 토요일 SAT 준비반 수업 안내

    이번주는 아침 9시 30분에 시작하겠습니다.
    Date2008.03.14 Category알림 By송성호 Views1907
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  20. News of the Fifthteenth

    what are we doing on SUNDAY;; +The Sermon will be provided by Dale. +Furthermore the offering prayer will be by Ji Soo. other meetings SATUDAY;; +We have a meeting on the Saturday, Fourteenth +Please come by 11 am and of course, lunch will b...
    Date2008.03.12 Category알림 Byyoojin Views2828
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