Tomorrow we will join adult service because 박 재범 목사님 is coming
and giving a sermon at the service. He served youth group a couple of
years ago. I think all of you remember him. :)
There will be a gathering at my (sook's) warm(?) and hot(?) apartment on August 9 around 12pm. FOOD and FUN will be provided!!! If the weather is okay we may play Frisbee outside.
Sermons will be given by: 8/3 : Sean Yoo SSN 8/10: Sook SSN / after service there will be a 선교 보고 ( 여준 & 수인 ) 8/17: 최수신 Gipsanim 8/24: 이 태석 Gipsanim 8/31: 한 정엽 Gipsanim Praises will be led by Jinhwa SSN. Peace with you.
Hello everyone, Tomorrow we will join adult service because 박 재범 목사님 is coming and giving a sermon at the service. He served youth group a couple of years ago. I think all of you remember him. :) in Him, sook
1. pray for Suin and Eugene who are on a mission trip to Canada 2. pray for youth retreat which will be held from 10/3(Friday)-10/5(Sunday). Please let me know if any of you have some specific prayer requests. I will pray for you. in His lov...
개인적 상황이 생겨 이번주 제가 유스 예배를 인도를 못하게 됬습니다. 6/29일 예배는 어른과 같이 예배드리겠습니다. Due to personal reasons, I will not be able to lead the youth service 6/29 tomorrow. We will join the adult service for tomo...
I almost forgot about the graduation service. I will deliver the message the following Lord's day. Luke 16 Use worldly wealth to gain friends Highly recommend reading the chapter before the service, especially the high school boys. Don't for...
On Memorial day, there will be a 체육대회 together with all korean churchs in Cincinnati. Let's meet at the following park at 9:30am. place: Harbin Park, 1300 Hunter Rd. Fairfield, OH 45014 time and date: May 26 (Mon) at 9:30am Love in Chris...