다들 와서 축하해 주고 또한 파티 준비 도와줘서 고마웠다. 풍선이 하나 둘씩 바람이 나가며 떨어지니 좀 아쉽지만 너희들이 수고해 준거 꼭 기억 하마. 언제 한번 우리 집에서 피자 한번 시켜 먹자.
Thanks for all coming and making Johnathan's 1st birthday memorable and LOUD. We loved the decoration. We would have liked to have the balloons last a littler longer and stick longer to the walls, but as everything in this world nothing truely last. You guys do know what truely last right?
I want to praise and thank God for allowing us to celebrate Johnathan's birthday and sharing this turely special moment with you guys.