
2014.02.19 14:46

[0216 Summary] Fast-Food

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Fast Food

Proverbs 23:1-3

"When you sit to dine with a ruler, note well what is before you, and put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony.

Do not crave his delicacies, for that food is deceptive."

There was a survey regarding the fast food (6000 participants).

Best Burger - In-N-Out Burger, Best French Fries—McDonald's, Best Salads—Panera Bread, Best Fried Chicken—KFC, Best Value—McDonald's

Some of those surveyed offered their own comments:

"All the major food groups represented: salt, fat and carbs," said one.

Meanwhile, national rates of obesity are skyrocketing. Nearly 18 percent of teens were classified as obese in 2006, compared with 5 percent in 1980. 

Do you think fast food makes people fat? Yes!! it is not burgers or other fast food make you fat. it is ingredients that they are using and it makes us fat and unhealthy. we don’t care how much all the fats and unhealthy ingredients influence our inner body. 

Open our eyes and see ourselves

Let’s say that we are invited to the banquet hosted by a prestigious host (ruler). we ought to be humble and restrained. Banquet always comes with food! and as we see those food we are tempted to be gluttonous, but we have to control appetite.

Before we buy the fast-food, the first thing we do is which food am I going to eat? the desire that we have, which is really important thing. 

We usually make excuses on many things “because of someone, because of I didn't have time, because my mom said…and so on” even before we see ourselves, we are trying to make other people to take my responsibility, so that we can play safe. And whenever you want to do something or the moment meets your desire, we become so generous to ourselves.

we have to remember the danger of self-indulgence. It can make them forget the real issues we are concerned with and our position, forget the transience of wealth. We have to be strict to ourselves. We have see whether we are controlling ourselves or out resources are controlling you. Even for the Church life, is HS controlling your faith or giving you the faith? or your faith is controlled by other people in the church or other sources.

Wake UP!!! 

Look around with opened eyes

Foods that are delicacies in a royal banquet may be deceptive. A ruler-host may seem to be friendly by serving a sumptuous meal, but in reality he may be planning to betray his guest or do him an injustice (cf. v. 7). The banquet may be a “buttering-up” occasion.

Have you noticed that most of unhealthy food is sweet? Because and sweetness is addictive and when you take more than you need, it will be attacking your body. But when you start eating, “just one more piece, it won’t kill me even though I eat this much”

Most of sinful things come to us just like Sweet food. And as we take and eat, we become gluttonous and we don’t even realize how much you have eaten.  As the result of taking “sugar of sinning”, it will make us to look for more sinning sugar  and sinning all the time. Also you are going to lose ourselves. 

Have you opened your eyes and checked yourselves. Have you noticed that how much things are trying to make us sin?

Please wake up and check yourself, if you have taken so many sweetness, let's wash it away!!

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