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Power Mission Baptist church in Cincinnati Ohio is seeking two Christian educators to educate our youth

and children to be the next generation leaders in the world. We are seeking a Youth Pastor to lead a group of

20+ youths from grade 7th to high school AND a Children’s Pastor to lead the Sunday School Program for

its children’s ministry with 50+ children from pre-K to 6th grade. Power Mission Baptist church is a member of the Southern Baptist Convention. It is a growing church with 300+ members with two ministries: Korean

Ministry (KM) and English Ministry (M2).


Compensation would be based on a 20-hour per week workload.


Position 1: Youth Pastor


Responsibilities include


  1. Coordinating and leading worship service

  2. Lead bible study for students as well as teachers

  3. Provide mentorship and counseling for our youth

  4. Develop, design and oversee extra activities

  5. Must spend Friday, Saturday and Sunday in Cincinnati (Room and Board will be provided by church)

  6. Must be able to communicate well with the senior pastor, Church Leaders and parents.


The ideal candidate shall be


  1. A current Seminary or Christian school student or graduate

  2. Have experience educating and counseling youths

  3. Be able to instill the values of the Christian faith with an understanding of concerns facing today’s youth in America and around the world

  4. Have fluency in English

  5. Understand Korean culture



Position 2: Children’s Pastor


Responsibilities include:


  1. Leading and coordinating worship service

  2. Developing and leading bible study for Sunday school children and Sunday school teachers

  3. Develop, design and oversee extra activities

  4. Must spend Friday, Saturday and Sunday in Cincinnati (Room and Board will be provided by church)

  5. Must be able to communicate well with our senior pastor, church leaders and parents.


The ideal candidate shall be


  1. A current Seminary or Christian school student or graduate with experience educating children from   Pre-K to 6th grade

  2. Be able to instill Christian faith values at age appropriate level with an understanding of concerns that multi-cultural children face today

  3. Have fluency in English

  4. Understand Korean culture


Application is deadline is Friday, December 11, 2015. Please send one page cover letter, one page statement

of faith, your recent resume, and two recommendation letters from pastors who are familiar with candidate’s

qualifications to Search Committee chair Elder David Yi. You should forward your application

electronically to the following email:


For further information about Power Mission Baptist Church, please visit

Power Mission Baptist Church (신시네티 능력 침례교회8501 Montgomery Rd. Cincinnati, OH, 45236.
















  1. 축하해요! 강현진, 천세라 부부의 둘째아들이 태어났어요!

    강현진, 천세라 부부의 둘째 "강지호(Nathan)"가 3월 3일 오후에 태어났어요! 드디어 지성이에게 동생이 생겼네요 ^^ 지금 Bethesda North Hospital의 2131호에 있습니다. (10500 Montgomery Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45242) 너무너무 귀엽고 잘 생...
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  4. 축순산! 여호수아부, 박언주 자매님(조영기 형제님) 첫딸

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  5. 유스 교육 목사님 청빙 , 선데이 스쿨 교육(주일학교) 전도사님 청빙

    TWO OPEN POSITIONS YOUTH PASTOR and CHILDREN’S PASTOR Power Mission Baptist church in Cincinnati Ohio is seeking two Christian educators to educate our youth and children to be the next generation leaders in the world. We ar...
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  6. 김기종 김유진 부부 첫딸 순산

    오늘(10월 30일. 금) 오후 5시에 예쁜 첫딸 조이스(Joyce)를 순산했습니다. 현재 West Chester UC Hospital 321호에 있습니다. 산모와 아기를 위해서 기도해 주시고 많이 축하해 주시길 바랍니다. 파워미션
    Date2015.10.30 Category알림 Bymoseslee Reply0 Views2553 file
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  7. 축하합니다! 정재석 박시령 부부 첫아들 태어났어요

    정재석, 박시령 부부의 첫아기 Daniel이 오늘 10월 21일에 태어났어요. 축하해주세요~ Bethesda North Hospital 2131호에 있습니다. 많이 많이 축하해주시고, 산모의 빠른 회복과 아기를 위해서도 계속 기도해주세요~
    Date2015.10.21 Category알림 By윤혜정 Reply0 Views2742 file
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  8. 2015년 야외예배 체육대회 안내

    안녕하세요? 행사부에서 이번 주일에 있을 야외예배의 능력체육대회에 관련해서 안내 드립니다. 파워 / 미션 두 팀으로 나눠서 진행 할 예정입니다. 이번에는 일부러 팀별 색깔을 맞추지는 않았습니다. 불편하다는 의견이 여기저기 들어왔기 때문입니다 ...
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  10. 안녕하세요^^ 임한나에요!

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