
2014.03.23 11:21

[0316] Was Jesus Hot?

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"But the Lord said to Samuel, 'Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart'" (1 Sam. 16:7).

the Movie Son of God made more than $25 million during the first weekend in theaters-Christian movie that was almost completely recycled from a History Channel miniseries called "The Bible."Satan—a prominent character in "The Bible" miniseries—had been scrubbed completely from Son of God (because, it is said, he resembled President Obama)

It centered on Diogo Morgado, Portuguese actor and former model, who portrayed Jesus. "Diogo Morgado is one hot dude," wrote CNN's Carol Costello. "His Jesus looks more like Brad Pitt than that nice man with the beard in all those paintings." Roma Downey, executive producer was very deliberate in who they chose to play the Christ in "The Bible" miniseries. "Diogo is 6-foot-3 with broad shoulders," Downey told The New York Times. "He has a strong presence but also a natural humility. We were really looking for someone who could portray the lion and the lamb."

The real Jesus probably didn't look much like Diogo Morgado. Isaiah described the Messiah as having "no beauty or majesty to attract us to Him, nothing in His appearance that we should desire Him." We often picture Jesus as a tall, gentle, European with long, flowing hair. Christ probably looked like a guy of Middle Eastern descent who would've kept His hair cut short. according to physical anthropologists estimate the average first-century Galilean male was around 5'4" and 136 pounds."

I wonder how many of us have ever stood before a mirror & wished that we had a different face or a different body?

Saul was king that Israel people chose, and they focused on the appearance instead of inner heart of Saul. Few years later, Saul became arrogant and selfish and rebelled against God.

God is now telling Samuel to go and find the new king that God has chosen.

The Prophet Samuel was told to go to Bethlehem to select a son of Jess. Jesse was the  grandson of Ruth and Boaz. And the seven older sons of Jesse were disqualified one by one.

What kinds of people God is looking for?

God is looking for heart that accept the love of God

It doesn't make any difference with your appearance, whether you are tall, short, fat, or thin. it is heart that God looks and He wants us to have heart it is ready to receive His love and reflect His love to others. God looks right into the heart. God sees what you think, what you think about others, God see your feeling, God sees your emotion and God sees whether you have love in your heart or not.

Why do we come to the church, worship, glorify, listen to the message, learn during the Bible study, and have fellowship in the church? It is because of the love. Just because you skip the bible study, or the sunday service, probably it won’t hurt you, like I am going to have penalty something like that, but why we need to do all these thing in the Lord is because God wants to see our love towards God. 

The love is voluntary, which means, you can’t forcefully make someone to love you. that’s why God gave us freewill and he is waiting for us to love God. That’s only thing he cares. 

you have received God’s love and God wants the love to be spread through us. 

God is looking for heart that has a repentance and commitment 

How many of you have heard the chief tax collector Zacchaeus, he was wealthy because he cheated so many people and collected more money that he need to. When Jesus entered Jericho, Zacchaeus wanted to see him. But he was short, so what he did is to climb the fig tree to see him.

Luke 19:8 ”But Zacchaeus stood up & said to the Lord, ‘Look, Lord! Here & now I give half of my possessions to the poor, & if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount. 

Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house.

Many Christians love to dress up for their heart and focus on showing off without the changing their heart. How many of you heard people saying like “I have been church for __________? I have role of _________in the church. Many people respect me because _____________” The years you have been to church does not matter, roles, don’t snatch the glory of God for yourself. 

you may deceive, cheat, lie to the people, But the Lord is looking inside of you. you can’t lie to the Lord. you are standing in front of God all the time.Let me ask you questions one more time, Do you have heart that accept the love of Christ? Have you repented and made commitment in the Lord?

Jesus came to earth to tell us the wonderful news and if we never share it, it would be like you are forgetting what the Christ has done for us. His love has covered us completely so that He doesn’t see the ugly parts of us any more. We are beautiful in God’s sight. He has made us beautiful.

If you experience, the loneliness or rejections because how you look, I want you to know that God does not see the outside, but he really cares about our inner heart.

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