
2014.03.30 22:18

Noah and Noah??

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The movie Noah was released on Thursday night and as youth group, we have watched the movie. and I believe some of you will watch later. Just as I gave you guys a homework, which is reading the Gen chapter 6-9. Hopefully, all of you did by this morning and became familiar what the Noah’s ark is about. I have read lot of reviews that stands both good and bad. However, I read many pastors saying, “No” to this movie.

I was preparing the message and after I watched the movie, I felt like I have to re-write the whole message because the movie Noah is so messed up! and un-biblical!!! Many of pastors would give sermon on Noah in order to provide the right understanding. Also, there would be so many different sermons with different topic from the same passage. 

However, today, I want to focus on God from the story Noah’s ark. 

1. God is the creator for all things

The Bible tells “ In the beginning, God created the heaven and earth”. If we didn’t have this passage, we would have a lot of questions regarding the earth or creator. The movie indicates the creator, instead of God. Many people can argue with my perspective on the movie Noah. Its fine. However, if this was true biblical movie, they should have indicated God in the beginning. Why? without having the a bit of idea who God is, it is not possible to understand or accept the event of Noah. 

in Gen 6:5 “every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil at that time…” 6 “The Lord was grieved that he had made man on the earth and his heart was filled with pain”

in this passage, it also shows that God made the human being, however, because of the man’s wackiness, in other word, their mind, lifestyle, habit, and so on were filled by evil!!

you may say that God is so cruel..God killed all people, all living things on the earth… How could God destroy all things? He could! because He made us, created us, we are His, not ours. 

We have to remember that God has planned, God designed, God built, God sustained, and only God can destroy.

In the movie Noah, there is scene Noah tells about the creation. However, they used so express of evolution. When narrator was talking about creation the actual movie showed one cell becomes different things, animals, monkey, and human being. And they are not even talking about the seventh day of the creation which is most important. 

Throughout the whole movie, they say “creator”, not God. Because we know about the creation and about God, we would’ve been like, “Yes, God is creator”, however, the movie throws the question who the creator is…” 

God is just and merciful 

God hates the sin, He can’t accept the sin, darkness, satan, evil in his presence. Therefore, he had to judge. and the way he chose this time was water. 

In Gen 6:8-9 “Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord, Noah w as a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God”

When the flood happened, Noah was 600 years old. Some people say that we don’t know how Noah had lived. However, these passages explain everything. His heart was focusing God all the time and he was trying to live for God, by God, and with God! human beings are not perfect, Noah would not be perfect. But, he tried and he knew who God is, furthermore, he had fear of the Lord, which means he obeyed God. because Noah was faithful to God, God chose Noah and give them the way to survive. 

When the flood began, God closed the door of ark. It is not what Noah did. In the movie, Noah is like, “you stay inside” and he went out and came in. But when Bible indicated “God closes”, it shows God’s justice for the sinful man and mercy for God’s people. I believe that they are people who asked for the rescue right before they die. God gave the merciful moment to all the people. 

This is exactly what is going to happen later. God is giving us the merciful time right now and waiting for people to accept the Good News, however, when the time has come, God would not have the mercy anymore and he will show his just to all the nation. But when you are inside, you have food, protection and the life

Jesus Christ came to bring us into the Ark of Jesus 

God fulfills His covenant 

God had to judge and destroy all the darkness at that time, but same time, he want to keep his promise. That’s why God told Noah to build the ark. In the movie, Noah sees the vision in the dream and he looks for his grandfather to get help on understanding his dream. His grandfather is the one who helped the fallen angel, which is fiction not true, you can’t find any place in the bible. Also, I felt that he plays the roll of God. When Noah has hard time, his wife had a favor, they came to him and ask him. We have to believe to come to the Lord!!!!!

the director said that they spent around one year to design, 6month to build with the actual measure that God gave to Noah.  But Noah in the movie, he says that all human need to die including his family as well. This is also totally non-biblical. 

In Gen 7:1, God says “Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation” God chose Noah and his family because they were righteous in God’s eyes. God chose Noah for this promise because he was with God! 

What was God’s plan???? His focus was not on the wiping all the creation, His focus was to fulfill His covenant and let His people carry this covenant!!!!

Gen 9:1 “God blessed Noah and his sons, saying tot hem “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth”

This is God’s blessing and promise toward His people and His children.

Let me make one more comment on movie Noah, movie started with scene that Noah’s father was trying to bless Noah with skin of snake which is handed down to the family and the movie ends with scene Noah blesses Shem’s children with snake skin. This skin is what adam got from the snake that tempted Eve. Now you see what the movie has focused.

Please have right understanding, right knowledge, and right faith. The faith is the most important.

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